Full Stack Web Development

10,000.00 BDT (Online)10,000.00 BDT (Offline)
  • Instructor Alamgir Hossain
  • Duration 3 month
  • Lectures 40
  • Language Bangla + English
  • Certificate
Enrol Now Call Now: 01615684930

1st Class (Introduction)
 Introduction
 What is Web Design?
 Why learn Web Design?
 What to learn for Web Design?
 What is Domain & Hosting?
 Introduction HTML
 Editors, Basic Concept

2nd Class (HTML)
 Title, Fevicon, Tag, Element
 Heading (<h1> to </h6>)
 Paragraph, Quotations
 Color, Formatting, Comments
 Images, Iframe
 Project

3rd Class (HTML)
 Table, Images, Layout
 From, List, Style (Internal)
 Id, Class, Link, Color
 Project

4th Class (CSS)
 Introduction (CSS)
 CSS (Inline, Internal, External)
 CSS- Syntax
 Selectors, Comments, Color
 Alignment, Float
 Project

5th Class (CSS)
 Margin, Padding
 Box Model, Outline, Text
 Fonts, Icons (CDN, Download)
 Background, Border
 Height/Width
 Project

6th Class (CSS)
 Display, Overflow
 Z-index, Website Layout
 Navigation Bar, Dropdowns
 Button
 Project

7th Class (CSS)
 Wrapper, Max-width
 Gradient
 Animation, Text Effect
 Shadows
 Project

8th Class (CSS- Responsive)
 Responsive Design Introduction
 Grid System, Media Queries
 Project

9th Class (CSS-Responsive)
 Responsive Navigation Bar
 Responsive Grid
 Project

10th Class (Bootstrap)
 Introduction Bootstrap
 Bootstrap Install
 Bootstrap Concepts
 Introduction Brackets Editor
 Container, Grid
 Typography, Color
 Project

11th Class (Bootstrap)
 Table, Images
 Button, Button Group
 Color, Jumbotron, Alerts
 Badges, Progress Bars
 Project

12th Class (Bootstrap)
 Navigation Bar, Dropdown
 Collapse, Tooltip, Popover
 Project

13th Class (Bootstrap)
 Carousel, Modal
 Pagination, List Group, Card
 From
 Project

14th Class (Javascript)
 Introduction VS Code Editor
 Introduction Javascript
 Basic Concepts
 Syntax

15th Class (Javascript)
 Javascript Output
 Console, alert, document
 Comments
 Variables
 Project

16th Class (Javascript)
 Operator
 Arithmetic Operator
 Assignment Operator
 Data Types (With Method)
 Project

17th Class (Javascript)
 Objects, Array (With Method)
 Event, Booleans, Comparisons
 Function (With Method)
 Project

18th Class (Javascript)
 If Else (Concepts)
 Switch, Break
 Project

19th Class (Javascript)
 Loop (for, for in, for of, while)
 Project

20th Class (Custom Theme)
 Custom Theme Design Concept
 Project

21st Class (Domain & Hosting)
 How to buy domain & hosting
 How to use/Setup Domain Hosting
 How to use Cpanel
 Setup your own website
 Project

22st Class (Jquery)
 Introduction Jquery
 Install Jquery (CDN)
 Syntax, Selector, Event
 Project

23rd Class (Jquery-Effect)
 Show/Hide, Fade
 Slide/Animate
 Stop, Callback, Chaining
 Project

24th Class (Jquery-HTML)
 Get, Set, Add, Remove
 CSS Classes
 Project

25th Class (Jquery-Ajax)
 Introduction Ajax
 Load, Get/Post
 Project

26th Class (Local Server Setup)
 Xammp, Wamp

27th Class (PHP)
 Introduction PHP
 PHP Install
 Syntax, Comments
 Variables, Echo/print (Output)
 Project

28th Class (PHP)
 Data Types
 String, Number, Math, Boolean
 Operator, Arrays
 Project

29th Class (PHP)
 If Else, Elseif
 Switch
 Project

30th Class (PHP)
 Loop, Function
 Project

31rd Class (PHP+Mysql)
 Introduction Mysql
 Create Database
 Database Connect
 Project

32nd Class (PHP+Mysql)
 Form Handling
 Form Validation
 Open/Read
 File Upload
 Project

33th Class (PHP+Mysql)
 Cookies, Sessions
 Open/Read
 File Upload
 Project

34th Class (PHP+Mysql)
 Create Table
 Insert Data (Single/Multiple)
 Project

35th Class (PHP+Mysql)
 Select Data
 Delete Data
 Update Data
 Project

36th Class (WordPress)
 Introduction WordPress
 How to setup wordpress
 WordPress Theme Setup
 Plugin Setup
 Project

37th Class (WordPress-Bonus)
 WordPress Customized
 Project

38th Class (Marketplace)
 Introduction Fiverr
 How to create Fiverr Account
 Gig Setup

39th Class (Marketplace)
 Introduction Upwork
 How to create Upwork Account

40th Class (Marketplace)
 Introduction Freelancer
 How to create Freelancer Account


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