Professional Freelancing With Digital Marketing And Shopify
(Online + Offline Course)
Professional Freelancing With Digital Marketing And Shopify এই কোর্সটিতে যে সকল বিষয়গুলো বা টপিকগুলো শেখানো হবে:
✅ Basic of online marketing / digital marketing
- ✅ ইন্টারনেট বা অনলাইন মার্কেটিং সম্পর্কে বেসিক ধারণা ,ইমেইল কি ,(gmail) জিমেইল কিভাবে খুলতে হয় ইত্যাদি
- ✅ google Ac opening
- ✅ optimization
- ✅ gmail every settings. very basic of gmail
✅ Facebook marketing
- ✅ ফেসবুক মার্কেটিং কি ,ফেসবুকে অ্যাকাউন্ট কিভাবে খুলতে হয়, ফেসবুকে পেজ কিভাবে খুলতে হয় ও পেজ থেকে কিভাবে আর্ন করা যায় । কিভাবে লাইক ফলো বাড়ানো যায় । এড ফিল্টার করতে হয় কমার্শিয়াল এড কিভাবে চালাতে হয় সহ ফেসবুকের সকল বিস্তারিত ।
- ✅ Create a business page/ solve problem (you have created too many pages)
- ✅ page optimization
- ✅ page insight or profession dashboard A to Z
- ✅ About ads manager,page and business manager permission
- ✅ Run a ads from ads center with detail targeting
- ✅ Run a carousel ads from ads manager with detail targeting
- ✅ (re marketing )pixel setup and server side tracking for website /Ecommerce
- ✅ cbo/abo campaign and custom audience/lookalike audience
- ✅ look a like audience saving and retargeting campaign run
- ✅ leads campaign setup
- ✅ Facebook page monetization (Stars)
- ✅ page payout setup
✅ (fiverr) ফাইবারে একাউন্ট খোলা গিগ তৈরি ও এসইও
- ✅ ac opening
- ✅ rules and terms of fiverr
- ✅ secret strategy
- ✅ Buyer selection
- ✅ Ranking method
- ✅ image seo
- ✅ gig seo
- ✅ 100% getting order method
- ✅ Level increasing tips
✅ পেমেন্ট কিভাবে নিবেন সলিউশন বা করবেন (payoneer/dual currency card)
- ✅ Payoneer ac opening
- ✅ Address and identity verification
- ✅ secret strategy
- ✅ Account activation
- ✅ Payment request
- ✅ Dual currency debit card
- ✅ Endorsement
- ✅ Ecommerce gateway or foren part opening from bank
- ✅ Dual currency debit card বাংলাদেশ এর যে কোন ব্যাংক থেকে ডুয়েল কারেন্সি কার্ড কিভাবে পাব ইনডোর্সমেন্ট কিভাবে করব কার্ড কোথায় ইউজ করা যাবে বিস্তারিত
✅ (Upwork) আপওয়ার্ককে অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি প্রজেক্ট তৈরি জব বিডিং
- ✅ ac opening
- ✅ rules and terms of up work
- ✅ secret strategy
- ✅ Buyer selection
- ✅ Ranking method
- ✅ 100% get job method
- ✅ Project creation
- ✅ Project SEO
- ✅ Payment method with tax info solve
✅ out of Marketplace Client ক্লাইন্ট হান্টিং আউট অফ মার্কেটপ্লেস
- ✅ মার্কেটপ্লেস ছাড়া ক্লাইন্ট বের করা
- ✅ Live guide line from Social media , lead generation , secret softwares
- ✅ Complete marketplace solution
✅ (instagram) ইনস্টাগ্রাম মার্কেটিং
- ✅ ac opening
- ✅ profile optimization
- ✅ Product marketing
✅ (Pinterest) প্রিন্টারেস্ট মার্কেটিং
- ✅ Ac opening and optimization
- ✅ What is pin/board ?
- ✅ funnel creation for pinterest marketing
- ✅ Advance Tips
✅ Twitter marketing (টুইটার মার্কেটিং)
- ✅ X Ac opening and optimization
- ✅ X ads
- ✅ X free marketing
✅ লিংকডিন মার্কেটিং
- ✅ Ac opening and optimization
- ✅ business page create and optimization
- ✅ leads generation
- ✅ ads for linkedin business
✅ Youtube
- ✅ Channel creation
- ✅ Youtube rules and terms
- ✅ Channel setting/optimazation
- ✅ Contrnt niche selection
- ✅ Youtube Channel monetization
- ✅ Adsence opening
- ✅ Adsence verify
- ✅ ভিডিও তৈরি
- ✅ Creative commons video reuse
- ✅ Video tag/keyword research
- ✅ Thumbnal making
- ✅ Image seo
- ✅ Video / channel ranking
✅ ফটো ইডিট এর জন্য বেসিক ফটোশপ
- ✅ Photoshop and canva
- ✅ templete editing
- ✅ freepik bg remove
- ✅ canva A to Z
✅ Google ads
- ✅ keyword research
- ✅ google ads creation
- ✅ detail targeting
- ✅ video/search/display ads
- ✅ Many more
✅ লিড জেনারেশন
- ✅ linkedin
- ✅ web scraping for leads
- ✅ google ads
- ✅ social media ads
- ✅ List creation
✅Email Marketing (ইমেইল মার্কেটিং)
- free method with gmail
- klaviyo email marketing A to Z
- Email Swipe writing
- template design
✅ Search Engine Optimizaion S.E.O (সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন বা এস.ই.ও)
- ✅ On page SEO
- ✅ Technical SEO
- ✅ OFF page SEO
- ✅ Content Writting
✅ On page SEO ( এসইও)
- ✅ Domain+hosting (dns)
- ✅ Cms install + woo commerce
- ✅ Keyword density
- ✅ Content(h1,h2,h3,h4)
- ✅ orphan/inbount/outbound links
- ✅ url/slug
- ✅ Sitemap
- ✅ Robot.txt
- ✅ G search console
- ✅ Gmb
- ✅ Author
- ✅ Image optimization
- ✅ Title tag
- ✅ Meta description
- ✅ Alt tag
- ✅ Web site architecture
- ✅ Search engine marketing strategy
- ✅ Site loading speed
- ✅ Mobile responsive check
- ✅ https check
✅ Technical SEO (টেকনিক্যাল এসইও)
- ✅ Index
- ✅ Site Speed
- ✅ Mobile Responsive
- ✅ Duplicate ( content,Title,meta Des,Heading)
- ✅ Not Found or Broken Link (404 error)
- ✅ HTTPS (SSL Secure Connection)
- ✅ Sitemap
- ✅ Robot.txt
- ✅ Hreflang tag
- ✅ Canonicalization
- ✅ Redirect url
- ✅ structured data
- ✅ Image
- ✅ Orphan page (without internal link)
- ✅ URL Or Slag Structure
✅ OFF page SEO (সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন বা এস ই ও অফ পেজ)
- ✅ Website Audit সাইড অডিট Audit full website create a report sheet and solution n that sheet
- ✅ keyword basic research
- ✅ Warm research
- ✅ Cold research
- ✅ Brain stroming research
- ✅ competitor research
- ✅ profile backlinks
- ✅ Niche relevant backlink
- ✅ forum post
- ✅ directory submission
- ✅ image submission
- ✅ doc submission
- ✅ Guest post
- ✅ Competitor keyword research
- ✅ Competitor keyword backlink research
✅ Content Writting (কনটেন্ট রাইটিং)
- ✅ 100% unique content writing
- ✅ keyword density
- ✅ copy paste check plagiarism
- ✅ Ai with no duplicate content or seo friendly
✅ (shopify/ Dropshipping)
- ✅ shopify store design
- ✅ trend checking
- ✅ marketing funnel (FREE AND PAID)
- ✅ evergreen niche selection
- ✅ trend checking
- ✅ sales funnel
- ✅ Marketing strategy (FREE AND PAID)
- ✅ Ecommerce website creation
- ✅ payment gateway (national and global)
- ✅ Uk business reg
- ✅ wise/payneer business
- ✅ Stripe
- ✅ Ssl comerz/bkash for local gateway
Digital Marketing Training Institute in kushtia
Technical seo bangla course,seo bangla course,Digital Marketing bangla course,outsourcing bangla course,freelancing bangla course,facebook ad bangla course,client hunting bangla course .
যারা বাংলাদেশ থেকে করতে চাচ্ছেন তাদের জন্য আমাদের প্রতিষ্ঠান একটি নির্ভরযোগ্য প্রতিষ্ঠান
The present era is the modern era, and digital marketing has advanced accordingly. Earning from home is no longer just a dream; it is now within your grasp. All you need is the right guidance. In Kushtia, there are many institutions, but among them, the best of the best is “Mk It Training Institute.” With proper training, they will shape you into a skilled freelancer. Digital marketing is now a well-known field, and even if you have no prior knowledge of it, you can contact “Mk It Training Institute.” They will teach you everything from start to finish until you become capable of earning. Now, digital marketing is within your reach in your very own city, Kushtia. Here, graphics design, office applications, and freelancing are taught practically. You can trust “Mk It Training Institute Training Institute.” Skilled instructors provide the training, and each class is conducted with utmost importance. Special attention is given to those who are weak or have no prior knowledge of digital marketing. If any student does not understand something during the class, they have the opportunity to ask questions after class and clarify their doubts. In the field of digital marketing, “Mk It Training Institute” is a trusted name.
Freelancing is a very popular job these days. Freelancing is called a free profession. That is, a freelancer can work independently whenever he wants. There are no specific rules for it. Therefore, in line with other countries of the world, the freelancing career is becoming very popular in Bangladesh.
When we talk about freelancing, the first thing that comes to mind is digital marketing. Nowadays, digital marketing is very popular. It is true that the era has changed. Now is the digital era. In this digital era, if you do not have knowledge about digital marketing, then you are behind. To learn freelancing, first of all you need willpower and patience. Then you will need a trusted organization. And one such trusted organization is MK IT Institute. A trusted platform for learning digital marketing is now in Kushtia. Another name for trust is MK IT Institute. Digital Marketing Training Institute of Kushtia will guarantee you a guaranteed income. May your career be assured through Digital Marketing Training Institute of Kushtia.
Another name for digital marketing is Internet marketing. Digital marketing is basically finding potential buyers online and advertising your products to them and selling them. Always remember one thing, digital marketing does not mean boosting on Facebook. It is just a medium. In this case, Kushtia Digital Marketing Training Institute will give you the necessary guidance and guarantee 100% income.
Digital marketing is usually of many types, but these six types are one of them.
1) Content Marketing
2) Search Engine Optimization
3) Search Engine Marketing
4) Social Media Marketing
5) Email Marketing
6) Web Analysis.
Through Kushtia Digital Marketing Training Institute, you can learn to work in the right way and take a step forward in the battle of life by building a career.